Openlab Branding & Website

Wesleyan University

OpenLab is an online community platform created by Wesleyan University professor Lisa Dierker to provide project-based learning and collaboration opportunities.The project is funded through a National Science Foundation grant and supports the sharing of projects, both among students within partner classrooms and across partner schools.

KUDOS was engaged to create branding for the program, including web design and content planning. Centering our approach around the Spark—an original graphic element we created to symbolize the brand’s passion, creativity, curiosity, and divergent thinking—we developed a comprehensive visual branding system and style guidelines, complete with naming, a tagline, and a dynamic logo mark. The resulting platform was engaging, cohesive, and elegant, inviting engagement through elegant, fun design.


KUDOS Design Collaboratory

  • John Kudos
    Creative Director
  • Amanda Knott
    Project Manager
  • Jamus Marquette
    Lead Designer
  • Christian Juniady Setiawan