Rendr Branding & Website

Rendr Care

This branding project for Rendr Care encapsulated the brand’s harmonious blend of cultural resonance and healthcare excellence. Founded by esteemed community physicians in New York City, Rendr Care boasts a cadre of highly trained healthcare providers who are dedicated to serving their communities with empathy and expertise.

Tailored to engage the Chinese American demographic, the logomark seamlessly integrates Chinese characters into a gem-like emblem, ensuring inclusivity without sacrificing aesthetic appeal. The brand’s visual identity, characterized by a green palette and a blend of humanist English and sans-serif Chinese typefaces, reflects Rendr Care’s commitment to holistic health and cultural sensitivity, and creates a cohesive and inviting brand experience for all.

KUDOS Design Collaboratory

  • John Kudos
    Creative Director
  • Fay Qiu
  • Ashley Wu
  • Amanda Knott
    Project Manager


  • Greg Wong
    Chief Strategist